Multiple Sclerosis

Multiple Sclerosis

Good lifestyle choices with stretching and strengthening exercises are the starting point for treatment. We’ll guide you through the process of getting fitter and stronger.

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What is multiple sclerosis?

MS is a disease that affects nerves in the brain and the spinal cord. There’s still a lot we don’t know about MS but it is thought to be an auto-immune disease, where the body’s own immune system starts to attack the nerves. This interferes with the electrical signals that travel along your nerves and can cause a huge variety of symptoms. It’s one of the most common causes of disability in young adults.


Common challenges with multiple sclerosis
MS can cause a wide range of symptoms; people often experience problems with vision, arm or leg weakness, sensation and balance. Fatigue, heat sensitivity, and foot drop are other common symptoms.

How we can help

Early after diagnosis, treatment often involves guiding good lifestyle choices as well as specific interventions such as stretching or strengthening exercises. There is emerging evidence about higher intensity exercise for MS and how that can be used to strengthen the connection between the brain and different muscle groups. Our expert team will guide you through the process of getting fitter and becoming resilient.


For people with more significant challenges, we can provide treatment focused on stretching, getting into comfortable positions, standing routines, bed mobility and transfers. Sometimes just having easy access to an experienced ear can help guide your decisions about how best to manage different problems when they arise. Whatever the situation, we can assess the situation then design and implement a plan to maximise function and independence.

Rehabilitation technology

If you have fatiguable foot drop or something else affecting your walking, you might want to see if Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) could help. It is a popular solution for people with MS and we have some of the latest devices available to trial that can help you trip less and walk further with less effort.

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