For Professionals

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We provide an expert resource for case managers and all other health professionals with an interest in the benefits of neurological rehabilitation. For over a decade we have demonstrated our ability to provide timely, reliable, expert neurological physiotherapy services.

Supporting Case Managers

We provide neurological and complex injury rehabilitation for clients after traumatic injury. We recognise that case managers have busy caseloads to manage; we provide timely, accurate, secure communication and reporting, always. Excellent clinical leadership alongside a robust internal training and clinical supervision regime ensure you and your clients get consistent, high quality, evidenced-based intervention. Our motivating, attentive, respectful and knowledgeable team will give you the assurance you need that your client will receive the very best care, delivered in a dynamic, caring and efficient way. We know from experience that this leads to clients fulfilling their physical rehabilitation potential and maximising their quality of life.

Initial needs assessments

We accept instructions to perform Initial Needs Assessments to establish the neuro-physiotherapy requirements for clients with ongoing litigation. We’ll work closely with you to find the most suitable neurophysio in the area. After assessment we securely share our recommended treatment plan, prognosis, progress measures, options for rehabilitation technology and equipment along with full cost estimates.

Expert Witness Reports

We are now providing these in partnership with Anne Cossar Associates and enquiries should be directed to them in the first instance.

Concurrent NHS and Private Treatment

Guidance on concurrent treatment from NHS and private physiotherapists, produced by the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy, is available here. We’re always keen to work together in the best interests of the client.


Get in touch – if we’re not the best people to help, we’ll recommend another service.


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We’re so sorry to hear that you aren’t happy with our service. Your feedback is really important to us and we do all we can to make sure we are constantly improving.

Please leave your feedback for us below and we’ll get back to you to see what we can do to resolve any issues you may have.

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We’re so sorry to hear that you aren’t happy with our service. Your feedback is really important to us and we do all we can to make sure we are constantly improving.

Please leave your feedback for us below and we’ll get back to you to see what we can do to resolve any issues you may have.